Experiential education

Experiential education

Our courses can last from 2 to 5 days. They are aimed at leaders, executives, middle managers and students.

Our goal ? SCYFCO was created to share the expertise of former officers who have commanded in military operations and now work in the private sector. This expertise is transferable, including resilience, agility, decision making and situational intelligence. 

We believe that people learn best by doing and experiencing things for themselves. For this reason we build real-life situations that require a cool head, decision-making, analysis, coordination and personality.

The France Défense Développement team also proposes :

  • Encouraging employees' interest in the defence community and raising awareness of their roles and how important these are to French sovereignty.
  • Developing knowledge specific to the different operational specialities of the armed forces.
  • Promoting and strengthening relationships based on trust and confidence between men and women in the business and defence sectors.

A personal and collective commitment

We place people in atypical situations, taking them out of their comfort zones to help develop a team spirit and mutual trust. Each situation will be the subject of an individual and collective debriefing, encouraging learning and the development of skills. 

experiential education process


Our training courses

We propose training courses adapted to your needs and challenges. Some of these help you improve your managerial skills, and others your collective effectiveness.We also offer training in conjunction with the military to strengthen the spirit of defense.

Leadership and Collective Effectiveness RS6626

  • Managing teams and driving collective efficiency
  • Tailored leadership and management

Specialized modules

Managing team tensions

  • Crisis management
  • Conflict management
  • Negotiation
  • RS6058 certification: "Managing and cooperating in complex situations"
  • Anticipating and managing crises" certification RS6306



  • Awareness of the spirit of defence
  • Introduction to military operations
  • Further training on conducting military operations

Our values



A moral attitude that commits us others and which must be fostered in order to be applied in word and deed.

A demanding spirit

The determination to carry out your mission with excellence, to give the best of yourself.


Believing that every one of us can be a source of initiatives.
Manager training

For whom?

  • 49% top and middle managers
  • 16% local managers
  • 35% students